I've got a threaded server.
QTcpSocket needs to be created on the thread it needs to be ran on, FI: Qt - Handle QTcpSocket in a new thread by passing the socket descriptor.
My problem is that, I need to have a pool of thread and move the socket on a specific thread AFTER the client has sent a specific token which defines on which thread the socket needs to be.
In other words, I need to read the socket to know on which thread to place it beforehand.
Some idea would be to bind first to a QTcpSocket, read, then send the descriptor to the thread and create another QTcpSocket but the doc says:
Note: It is not possible to initialize two abstract sockets with the same native socket descriptor.
Another solution is to create the socket in a separated thread and then join both thread together, though I don't know if that is possible.
Or perhaps be able to read the socket descriptor on the main thread before calling setSocketDescriptor on the child thread, if that is even possible?
? – Mike