
We recently received this alert from Facebook on our Unity App.

Your app has been making recent API calls to Graph API v2.0, which will reach the end of the 2-year deprecation window on Monday, August 8, 2016. Please migrate all calls to v2.1 or higher in order to avoid potential broken experiences.

The SDK version is 6.2.2 which should be on API 2.2 - 2.4.

These are the APIs/Properties I'm using:

  1. FB.Init(OnFbInit, OnHideUnity);
  2. FB.API("/me?fields=name", Facebook.HttpMethod.GET,GotFBData);
  3. FB.IsLoggedIn;
  4. FB.UserId
  5. FB.AccessToken

Why is Facebook saying we are using API 2.0? Is it safe to ignore?


Have you tried asking on gamedev.stackexchange.com?ManoDestra
@JoeBlow how did you get to the conclusion that (2.) is the wrong API? And do you know if FB.Login is part of 2.0 or later? Thanks,Anthony Demanuele
@JoeBlow Check out the alert I get on Facebook dev page. !Facebook API Alert. It looks like its the /me?fields=name right?Anthony Demanuele
@AnthonyDemanuele, you're right; I was mistaken on that point, sorry. I am still investigating this confusing issue!Fattie
Cheers @JoeBlow - Let me know if you find anything. Thanks.Anthony Demanuele

1 Answers


Visit this link


Then select your app. This will determine exactly which API version you are using.

If you wish to upgrade, this is the place, otherwise, safe to ignore.