Can anyone give details on the Dynamic rate limiting implemented by the Pub/Sub system? I couldn't find any details on the gcloud docs or the faq pages.
Here is my pubsub usage: I'm planning to use pubsub in our production. Right now, I have 1 topic, 1 subscription and 1 subscriber (Webhook HTTPS callback). Sometimes my subscriber can throw an exception (very rarely), in that situation my subscriber shall return a 400 response back to the pubsub, so that the pubsub can retain the message and retry.
If the pubsub gets a 400 response from the subscriber, will it severely impact the flow rate of other messages? Given the scarce documentation on how the flow control is implemented, i'm mainly concerned about the impact of one bad message on latencies of all other good messages.
I can split my one topic into multiple topics and multiple subscriptions, if it helps reduce the impact of a bad message.