
Is it abuse or somehow dangerous to use akka-http like this?

On server

def source(consumerOffset: UUID) = 
  readJournal.eventsByTag(“MyTag", consumerOffset).map(_.asJson)

pathPrefix("stream" / Segment.map(UUID.fromString)) { offset =>
  pathEndOrSingleSlash {
    get {
      complete {
          entity = HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`application/json`, source(offset))

Then on client side

  .mapAsync(1) { r =>
    Http().singleRequest(r).map { res =>


  1. Is it guaranteed that chunks I send will be the same on client side.
  2. Is it ok to have response with possibly endless number of chunks?
  3. What is the right Content-Type for this kind of response?

UPD 2:

Akka 2.4.9 added ability to respond with streams. And basically does exactly the same, providing some syntax sugar. See the docs.

Which part are you concerned about? It all appears to be boiler plater at first glance...Ramón J Romero y Vigil
1. Is it guaranteed that chunks I send will be the same on client side.Denis Mikhaylov
2. Is it ok to have response with possibly endless number of chunks?Denis Mikhaylov
I've updated question.Denis Mikhaylov
@DenisMikhaylov In addition to this, What happens if the Client closes the connection in b/w, but server has no possible way to know it, server thinks the client is just slow in consuming and it keeps buffering the response. How to handle these scenarios?curious

1 Answers


Answering your questions in order:

  1. Yes, the client will receive BytesString representations of your objects encoded in json.
  2. Yes, it is fine to have a stream source on the server side which never terminates.
  3. The content you've specified in the question (application/json) is correct.