i have a simple web server at strato.de on which TYPO3 (v7.6.9) is installed. Next I tried to use the YAG (v4.1.2) (Yet Another Gallery) Extension. What I've done:
- install YAG from TER (includes pt_extbase, pt_extlist)
- create YAG sysfolder
- create extension template which includes '[yag] Yet Another Gallery (yag)'
- create some albums / galleries and upload images
add new content by plugin:
- Plugin Mode: Gallery List
- Choose some sources
- Theme: Nothing to choose (empty select boy)
Install a new Theme Package, noting changes
If i try it without any theme I got a FE error:
The theme identifier was not set. Please check your TypoScript configuration.
I don't now what I can do. Perhaps someone can help me.