I am calculating the precisions and recall for off-the-shelf algorithms on a dataset that I recently prepared.
It is a binary classification problem and I am looking to calculate the precision, recall and the f-scores for each of the classifier I built.
test_x, test_y, predics, pred_prob,score = CH.buildBinClassifier(data,allAttribs,0.3,50,'logistic')
The build classifier method basically builds a classifier, fits a training data and returns test_x(the features of the test data), test_y(the ground truth labels), predict(predictions made by the classifier), red_prob(prediction probabilities from the LogisiticRegression.predict_proba
Below is the code for calculating precision-recall:
from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_curve
pr, re, _ = precision_recall_curve(test_y,pred_prob,pos_label=1)
(array([ 0.49852507, 0.49704142, 0.49554896, 0.49702381, 0.49850746,
0.5 , 0.5015015 , 0.50301205, 0.50453172, 0.50606061,
. . . . . . .
0.875 , 1. , 1. , 1. , 1. ,
1. , 1. , 1. , 1. ])
array([ 1. , 0.99408284, 0.98816568, 0.98816568, 0.98816568,
0.98816568, 0.98816568, 0.98816568, 0.98816568, 0.98816568,
. . . . . . .
0.04142012, 0.04142012, 0.03550296, 0.0295858 , 0.02366864,
0.01775148, 0.01183432, 0.00591716, 0. ]))
I do not understand why are precision and recall arrays? Shouldn't they be just single numbers?
Since precision is calculated as tpf/(tpf+fpf)
and similarly recall as definition?
I am aware about calculating the average precision-recall by the following piece of code, but somehow seeing arrays instead of tpf, fpf, precision and recall is making me wonder what is going on.
from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_fscore_support as prf
precision,recall,fscore,_ = prf(test_y,predics,pos_label=1,average='binary')
But without the average
and pos_label
parameter it reports the precisions for each of the class. Could someone explain the difference between the outputs of these two methods?