I followed the tutorial on Heroku (https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/getting-started-with-scala#introduction) all the way through successfully.
I then tested getting it working with the same project but a brand new git repo and got it working with Travis. Had some teething problems, but it works perfectly.
Now I want to get it working on another test project, which uses slick. I am using a new copy of this repository, have deleted the .git file and re-initialised it: https://github.com/gupta-himanshu/play-reactive-slick ... the plan being to make that look like the example, then when that works create my own from scratch and then I should be all set up using scala/play/postgres/travis/heroku. In theory.
So I'm stuck right at the start - I want to make a procfile so that it will deploy to heroku, but according to the previous example, I need to find target/universal/stage/bin/ - but that does not exist.
According to this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/19085590/2295284 things have previously changed, but the place pointed to in that answer is where I was looking...
I am not using heroku create, because I want the repository on my GitHub account, not just in heroku.
Am I doing this all wrong?