
I have 2 jenkins machines: JenkinsA and JenkinsB.

I need a trigger in JenkinsA to trigger the execution of a project in JenkinsB. However I don't need to run remote job immediately. I need put it in queue and be able to schedule when it will run.

I also need send parameters from A to B.

Currently I am using the plugin:


This plugin allows build remotely and send the parameters, but it does not allow the execution schedule in the job of Jenkins B.


1 Answers


When using the build trigger and triggering the job remotely, you can append &delay=30sec (or any number of seconds) to the end of the build URL. This will allow the job to enter the quiet period and delay the build for the set period of time. the URL will look something like this JENKINS_URL/job/build?token=TOKEN_NAME&delay=30sec **or** /buildWithParameters?token=TOKEN_NAME&delay=30sec