I import a css file with a font-face declared in it with a relative URL.
@import '~materialize-css/dist/css/materialize.min';
.register-container {
@extend .row;
I use the raw-loader!sass-loader chain because it's an angular component style.
test: /\.scss$/,
include: PathHelper.getPathFromRoot('src', 'app', 'modules'),
loader: 'raw!sass'
When I do that the content of the materialize file is being copied. And when I load the page it tries to load the fonts from a wrong directory because the relative path is wrong.
The fonts work because I load them with different loaders chain in a different file. The chain is: css!resolve-url!sass?sourceMap
So the fonts are there but the issue is that the content of the css is copied twice and it loads the fonts multiple times from a front path
Can I do something about it? So that the sass loader will know not to copy the css content?