You can use the SphericalUtil.computeLength
method from the Google Maps Android API Utility Library. This method receives a List<LatLng>
as a parameter, and computes the length of the path, so your list will need to include a closed path.
You can decode your JSON and compute the perimeter like this:
try {
String jsonString = "{ \"bounds\" : { \"northeast\" : { \"lat\" : 37.842911, \"lng\" : -85.682537 }, \"southwest\" : { \"lat\" : 37.559684, \"lng\" : -86.07509399999999 } }, \"location\" : { \"lat\" : 37.7030051, \"lng\" : -85.8647201 }, \"location_type\" : \"APPROXIMATE\", \"viewport\" : { \"northeast\" : { \"lat\" : 37.842911, \"lng\" : -85.682537 }, \"southwest\" : { \"lat\" : 37.559684, \"lng\" : -86.07509399999999 } } }";
JSONObject object = new JSONObject(jsonString);
JSONObject boundsJSON = object.getJSONObject("bounds");
LatLng northeast = getLatLng(boundsJSON.getJSONObject("northeast"));
LatLng southwest = getLatLng(boundsJSON.getJSONObject("southwest"));
LatLng northwest = new LatLng(northeast.latitude, southwest.longitude);
LatLng southeast = new LatLng(southwest.latitude, northeast.longitude);
List<LatLng> path = new ArrayList<>();
double perimeter = SphericalUtil.computeLength(path);
} catch (JSONException e) {
// TODO: Handle the exception
String a = "";
This is the getLatLng
method that decodes a coordinate (used in the code above):
private LatLng getLatLng(JSONObject coordinateJSON) throws JSONException {
double lat = coordinateJSON.getDouble("lat");
double lon = coordinateJSON.getDouble("lng");
return new LatLng(lat, lon);