
I am trying to get avg of ratings of all JSON objects in a file. I loaded the file and converted to data frame but getting error while parsing for avg. Sample Request :

        "country": "France",
        "customerId": "France001",
        "visited": [
                "placeName": "US",
                "rating": "2.3",
                "famousRest": "N/A",
                "placeId": "AVBS34"

                "placeName": "US",
                "rating": "3.3",
                "famousRest": "SeriousPie",
                "placeId": "VBSs34"

                "placeName": "Canada",
                "rating": "4.3",
                "famousRest": "TimHortons",
                "placeId": "AVBv4d"


so for this JSON, US avg rating will be (2.3 + 3.3)/2 = 2.8

        "country": "Egypt",
        "customerId": "Egypt009",
        "visited": [
                "placeName": "US",
                "rating": "1.3",
                "famousRest": "McDonald",
                "placeId": "Dedcf3"

                "placeName": "US",
                "rating": "3.3",
                "famousRest": "EagleNest",
                "placeId": "CDfet3"



        "country": "Canada",
        "customerId": "Canada012",
        "visited": [
                "placeName": "UK",
                "rating": "3.3",
                "famousRest": "N/A",
                "placeId": "XSdce2"



for this avg for us= (3.3 +1.3)/2 = 2.3

so over all, the average rating will be : (2.8 + 2.3)/2 = 2.55 (only two requests have 'US' in their visited list)

My schema :

|-- country: string(nullable=true)
|-- customerId:string(nullable=true)
|-- visited: array (nullable = true)
|    |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
|    |   |-- placeId: string (nullable = true)
|    |   |-- placeName: string (nullable = true) 
|    |   |-- famousRest: string (nullable = true)
|    |   |-- rating: string (nullable = true)

val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
val df = sqlContext.jsonFile("temp.txt")

so basically I need to get average of ratings where placeName = 'US' in say for eg. AVG_RATING = sum of rating in each JSON object where placeName is US / count of such visited entry and FINAL_VALUE = Sum of all AVG_RATING in each JSON object with placeName 'US' / count of all JSON objects with placeName = 'US' .

So far I tried :

   sqlContext.sql("select avg(expResults.rank) from people LATERAL VIEW explode(visited)people AS expResults where expResults.placeName = 'US' ").collect().foreach(println)

    val result = df.select("*").where(array_contains (df("visited.placeName"), "US"));  - gives the list where visited array contains US. But I am not sure how do parse through list of structs.

Can some one tell me how do I do this ?

could you paste just one sample json for trying?WoodChopper
@WoodChopper updated with a sample json objectuser4479371
Did u find the solution for this?user3407267
@user3407267 No, trying many different options but no solution yet. Still stuck.user4479371
I don't get it. 2.3 + 3.3 = 5.6, 5.6 / 2 = 2.8 != 4.25eliasah

2 Answers


It looks you want something like this:

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{avg, explode}

val result = df
  .withColumn("visit", explode($"visited"))    // Explode visits
  .groupBy($"customerId", $"visit.placeName")  // Group by using dot syntax

After that you can filter this for a country of your choice.

result.where($"placeName" === "US").show
// +---------+-----+
// |placeName|value|
// +---------+-----+
// |       US| 2.55|
// +---------+-----+

Less elegant approach is to use an UDF:

import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf

def userAverage(country: String) = udf((visits: Seq[Row]) => Try {
   val filtered = visits
     .filter(_.getAs[String]("placeName") == country)
   filtered.sum / filtered.size


Note: This follows the decription provided in the question by computing average of averages which is different from the accepted answer. For simple average:

val result = df

Follows my solution to your problem.

val DF = sqlContext.jsonFile("sample.json")


sqlContext.sql("select place_and_rating.placeName as placeName, avg(place_and_rating.rating) as avg_rating from temp lateral view explode(visited) exploded_table as place_and_rating where place_and_rating.placeName='US' group by place_and_rating.placeName").show()