Is it possible to have type synonym families for parametrized data such as Data.Param.FSVec?
Ideally, I would like this to compile:
class A e where
type Arg e a
f :: (Arg e a -> b) -> e a -> e b
instance A X where
type Arg X a = Nat size => FSVec size a
f = {- implementation -}
I have tried several workarounds, like wrapping FSVec size a
in a newtype, or constraint synonyms, but it seems that I could not get anything reasonable right.
Context + minimal working example
is a class previously defined (for example) as such:
class OldA e where
f :: (Maybe a -> b) -> [e (Maybe a)] -> [e b]
An example of type inheriting OldA
data Y a = Y a
instance Functor Y where
fmap f (Y a) = Y (f a)
instance OldA Y where
f = fmap . fmap
I want to extend this class to be able to express more general function arguments for f
. Let's say we have a type X
and an associated function fIndependent
import qualified Data.Param.FSVec as V
import Data.TypeLevel hiding ((==))
data X a = X a deriving Show
fromX (X a) = a
fIndependent :: (Nat size) => (V.FSVec size (Maybe a) -> b) -> [X (Maybe a)] -> [X b]
fIndependent _ [] = []
fIndependent f xs = let x' = (V.reallyUnsafeVector . take c . fmap fromX) xs
xs' = drop c xs
c = V.length x'
in if c == length (V.fromVector x') then X (f x') : fIndependent f xs' else []
is sane itself. Testing it with a function
test :: V.FSVec D2 x -> Int
test a = V.length a
will grant the result:
>>> fIndependent test $ map (X . Just) [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
[X 2, X 2, X 2, X 2]
Ok, now how to extend OldA
? The most "natural" thing that came into my mind is to equip class A
with a type synonym family Arg e a
as below.
class NewA e where
type Arg e a
f :: (Arg e a -> b) -> [e (Maybe a)] -> [e b]
Converting all existing instances is easy:
instance NewA Y where
type Arg Y a = Maybe a
f = fmap . fmap -- old implementation
To express fIndependent
as f is the difficult part, since just adding
instance NewA X where
type Arg X a = (Nat size) => FSVec size (Maybe a) -- wrong!!!
f = {- same as fIndependent -}
does not work. This is what I have trouble with.
Most solutions I saw propose wrapping FSVec
inside a newtype
. Doing so does not help since the following code:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
newtype ArgV a = ArgV (forall rate.Nat rate => V.FSVec rate (Maybe a))
instance NewA X where
type Arg X a = ArgV a
g f xs = let x' = (V.reallyUnsafeVector . take c . fmap fromX) xs
xs' = drop c xs
c = V.length x'
in if c == length (V.fromVector x') then X (f $ ArgV x') : g f xs' else []
the type inference system seems to lose the information about size
Couldn't match type ‘s0’ with ‘rate’ …
because type variable ‘rate’ would escape its scope
This (rigid, skolem) type variable is bound by
a type expected by the context: Nat rate => V.FSVec rate (Maybe a)
Expected type: V.FSVec rate (Maybe a)
Actual type: V.FSVec s0 (Maybe a)
Relevant bindings include
x' :: V.FSVec s0 (Maybe a)
(bound at ...)
In the first argument of ‘Args’, namely ‘x'’
In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely ‘Args x'’
Compilation failed.
I would appreciate any lead or hint in this matter.
if there are "many existing instances ofA
imported from external libraries which work just fine"? – Cirdecf :: (Nat size) => (FSVec size a -> b) -> ...
into a class wheref
's signature isf :: (Value a -> b) -> ...
. Needless to say, I can modify the code for the class, but it will take too much effort to modify the code for every instance, that is why I prefer type synonyms. I will shortly update the questions as well. – IeduX
is an attempt to "wrapFSVec size a
in a newtype". – Cirdec