Currently i'm having issue with Tiny MCE text editor with iPad. Issue is that if i will put one big string(without text) then it will go out of text editor and will break the layout as well as iPad will hang too. Not sure why this issue is coming as in web version it seems good but in ipad it is not.
I have used resize plugin(not working) and word limit too but as if i will type without space then it will counted as one word so that's not working too.
Can anyone please solve this error as i have spent hours to check this error on net as well as on SO too but did not get any hint, how to solve it.
To check error
Sorry to not provide you any fiddle or demo as this issue is coming in iPad so please try to open tiny mce in iPad and type one big text string without space and you will see that it will break the border and will go out of text editor's box so please help me.
If there is any jquery or Tiny MCE plugin help, please let me know. Thank you