
By default Woocommerce saves the billing and shipping address on the checkout page.

I am searching for a way to prevent Woocommerce from saving the values in the shipping address. So all the fields in the shipping address should be empty.

In another thread I found a partial solution. It works great, but it also makes the billing address empty:


Is there a way to do this only for shipping address?

Big thx!


1 Answers


You could change the code like this...

add_filter( 'woocommerce_checkout_get_value', 'reigel_empty_checkout_shipping_fields', 10, 2 );
function reigel_empty_checkout_shipping_fields( $value, $input ) {
    Method 1
    you can check the field if it has 'shipping_' on it...
    if ( strpos( $input, 'shipping_' ) !== FALSE ) {
        $value = '';

    Method 2
    put all the fields you want in an array...
    $shipping_fields = array(

    if ( in_array( $input, $shipping_fields ) ) {
        $value = '';

    return $value;