I am fairly new to Access and I am having some trouble figuring out how to perform a search. I have a table that contains records with multiple fields and one primary key field called "Serial".
I have created a form that is linked to this table and all it contains is a text box and a button where the user can type in any word or serial number and anything and the table will be searched for records that have a field that matches the criteria entered.
I have gotten to the point where I can search through the table and find any record with a match but I cannot figure out how to post this record (and any other records that match) to a newly created report so that the user can see all of the results that matched his criteria.
The code I have is as such and the output gives only a blank report.
The msgbox line always outputs the correct Serial number for every search.
I believe that the issue is related to the DoCmd.OpenReport line.
Do While Not rs.EOF 'iterate through table and check all fields
For Each Field In rs.Fields
If Field = SearchBar.Value Then
found = True
MsgBox (rs.Fields("Serial")) 'debugging
**DoCmd.OpenReport "Asset Inv", acViewReport, , "[Serial] = '" & rs.Fields("Serial") & "'"**
Exit For
End If
Next Field
If found Then
Exit Do
End If
Thanks for the help!
is a string? Is there an error handler? Asked for a parameter (typo)? You should consider using a filter instead of looping through the rs. Loop through the fields of the query and combine them in filter. `strFilter = strFiler & "[" & rs.Fields.Name & "] = '" & SearchBar.Value & "' OR "' – BitAccesser