
I am using laravel 5.2. and when I do composer update command on my CLI. it is generate following massages

Nothing to install or update Generating Autoload files

Illuminate\Foundation\ComposerScripts::postupdate php artisan optimize Generating optimized class loader

cant i update my current version or is this an error I am new to Laravel


2 Answers


This message is composer telling you that the package dependencies you have defined in your project are fully up-to date.

You could perhaps modify your minimum-stability level if you want to run things on the bleeding edge and currently have it set to stable. Other possible values in order of decreasing stablity are RC, beta, alpha, and dev. What you get from this is wholly package dependent, and you should keep in mind that package maintainers probably have a good reason for not releasing things as stable. I would caution against doing this on anything you may have running in a production environment.

See the composer.json schema documentation for more information on minimum-stablity.

If you have dependencies defined in your composer.json that you believe aren't being pulled in and should be, please update your question with relevant portions from composer.json and identify what packages aren't installing.


Like jeff said the package dependencies of your applications are up-to date , composer update is usually done when dependencies are added to the application and when you clone an application. I believe all your dependencies in composer.json are installed. Try to add a dependency of your application need and do composer update.