I have a local replica. From domino designer, when I open any design element, I get this error "Invalid or nonexistent document".
But this error didn't occur on server copy. Now you can ask you don't you work directly on server copy. the point is, it's very large db and have serveral xpages and custom control, etc.,. so building the db on remote server copy is painful for me. so work on local copy, save, build, and replicate to server copy.
what I have tried so far.
- deleted local replica and created new replica. still error
- replaced with my latest template. still error
- felt some design elements have corrupted. so replaced both server & local replica with blank template to remove all design elements. and again replaced with latest app template. still error.
- ran load fixup on server copy and replicated in local. still error
do anybody have a clue on this issue or any workaround to resolve this?
Thanks in advance for your help.