I'm trying to run this upstart script from the official repo for airflow: https://github.com/apache/incubator-airflow/blob/master/scripts/upstart/airflow-webserver.conf
start on started networking
stop on (deconfiguring-networking or runlevel [016])
respawn limit 5 30
setuid airflow
setgid airflow
exec usr/local/bin/airflow webserver
When I run it this is the output:
$ sudo service airflow-webserver start
airflow-webserver start/running, process 7612
$ sudo service airflow-webserver status
airflow-webserver stop/waiting
But just doing exec /usr/local/bin/airflow webserver
will run it perfectly without any hiccups, which is puzzling. Does anyone know why this is happening?
* You can get airflow with pip install airflow
to test in case you need to see for yourselves.
exec usr/local/bin/airflow webserver
instead ofexec /usr/local/bin/airflow webserver
? – J. Allan/etc/profile
, and I needed to set them in the file. – m0meni