I found this verilog code for a thermometric decoder (in code encoder, but this is wrong).
I want to adapt it for cadence, to generate a netlist from it. My problem is, that the actual code generates a [7:0] + 1 input and a [3:0] output in cadence.
What I want, is a module with 8 + 1 single inputs and 4 single outputs:
module thermometer_encoder_8bit(
out0,out1,out2,out3, // 4-bit binary Output
in0,in1,in2,in3,in4,in5,in6,in7, // 8-bit Input
enable // Enable for the encoder
input enable;
input in0,in1,in2,in3,in4,in5,in6,in7;
output out0,out1,out2,out3;
reg out0,out1,out2,out3;
this is the actual, unadapted code:
module thermometer_encoder_8bit(
binary_out , // 4 bit binary Output
encoder_in , // 8-bit Input
enable // Enable for the encoder
output [3:0] binary_out ;
input enable ;
input [7:0] encoder_in ;
reg [3:0] binary_out ;
always @ (enable or encoder_in)
binary_out = 0; // 0000 0000
if (enable) begin
case (encoder_in)
8'b00000001 : binary_out = 1; // 0000 0001
8'b00000011 : binary_out = 2; // 0000 0011
8'b00000111 : binary_out = 3; // 0000 0111
8'b00001111 : binary_out = 4; // 0000 1111
8'b00011111 : binary_out = 5; // 0001 1111
8'b00111111 : binary_out = 6; // 0011 1111
8'b01111111 : binary_out = 7; // 0111 1111
8'b11111111 : binary_out = 8; // 0000 1111
Is there any possibility, to do this in an easy way?
Greetings, DaHomer