I'm new to using crystal report in c# windows form application.I connect my crystal report to mysql server "".
I have (EmpName, EmpId, DOB, DOJ, Address, City) this 6 column in my crystal report. then i add a parameter in my report as (fromdate and todate)
this link helps me to filter the DOJ column http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37391112/filter-data-in-crystal-report-using-datetimepicker/37525275#37525275 thanks to stackoverflow.
but here i have the problem in Export option. I have maximum 1000 data's . When i filter data in DOJ using Datetimepicker1 has fromdate and Datetimepicker2 as todate i got an between data's into my report.
I need to export only that filter data's .But when i search through googling i got an code to export full data's which are present in my database table.
CrystalReport1 crys = new CrystalReport1();
crys.ExportToDisk(ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat, "C:\\Users\\Downloads\\ReportAsPDF.pdf");
MessageBox.Show("Report Export Into PDF File");
This code help me export whole data in c# crystal report. Please Friends Help Me to Export only filtered data into PDF .
Thank You For Help.