
We are using Visual Studio Team Systems with Git and Team System Build (former Build vNext). When we conduct a Pull Request, a new Build is triggered that is used to run Unit Tests and deploy to an isolated test system. To perform the deployment to an isolated system I need to get the real source branch name inside the build process. However the Build.SourceBranchName variable is always "merge",


Pull Request from source FOO to target BAR Build.SourceBranch is "refs/pull/1/merge" and therefore Build.SourceBranchName is "merge". But i need to somehow get "FOO" to run my Power Shell script to configure the system.

Is there a way to get the real source branch name inside a Git Pull Request inside VSTS?


6 Answers


VSTS now has System.PullRequest.SourceBranch and System.PullRequest.TargetBranch variables. That should solve your problem without writing any custom scripts

Build Variables


There isn't any variable for this but you can create a power-shell script to get it via Rest API.

[String]$sourcebranch = "$env:BUILD_SOURCEBRANCH"
[String]$repoid = "$env:BUILD_REPOSITORY_ID"


$basicAuth= ("{0}:{1}"-f $username,$password)
$headers= @{Authorization=("Basic {0}"-f $basicAuth)}

#get pull request ID via regex
$pullrequest = "refs/pull/+(?<pullnumber>\w+?)/merge+"
if($sourcebranch -match $pullrequest){        
        $pullrequestid = $Matches.pullnumber;
else { write-host "Cannot find pull request ID" }

#get pull request information via API
$url= $projecturi + "_apis/git/repositories/" + $repoid + "/pullRequests/" + $pullrequestid + "?api-version=1.0-preview.1"

Write-Host $url

$getpullrequest = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -headers $headers -Method Get

#get sourcebranch and targetbranch
$sourceref = $getpullrequest.sourceRefName
$targetref = $getpullrequest.targetRefName

You can create a bash script that assigns the shorter branch name to a variable.

# Bash script
BRANCH_NAME=$(echo "$(System.PullRequest.TargetBranch)" | awk -F/ '{print $NF}')
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=PullRequest_Target_Branch;]$BRANCH_NAME"

You can then reference $(PullRequest_Target_Branch) in your pipeline


This script will read the parameters from environment variables if used inside a build task or use the supplied parameters if used outside a build task. The variable $sourcebranch will be set to be used in a later build task.

param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$projectUri = "$env:SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONCOLLECTIONURI",
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$branch = "$env:BUILD_branch",
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$repositoryName = "$env:BUILD_REPOSITORY_NAME",
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$projectName = "$env:SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT",
    [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][string]$oAuthToken = "$env:SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN",

#check all parameters
if(!$oAuthToken) {
    if(!$username -or !$password) {
        throw "You must either supply an OAuth Token or a username and a password. You can supply the token via the environment variable SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN"

    $basicAuth= ("{0}:{1}"-f $username,$password)
    $headers= @{Authorization=("Basic {0}"-f $basicAuth)}
else {
    $headers= @{Authorization="Bearer $oAuthToken"}

if(!$projectUri) {
    throw "You must supply a project uri or set the Environment variable SYSTEM_TEAMFOUNDATIONCOLLECTIONURI"

if(!$branch) {
    throw "You must supply a branch or set the Environment variable BUILD_branch"

if(!$repositoryName) {
    throw "You must supply a repository name or set the Environment variable BUILD_REPOSITORY_NAME"

if(!$projectName) {
    throw "You must supply a project name or set the Environment variable SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT"

#get pull request ID via regex
$pullrequest = "refs/pull/+(?<pullnumber>\w+?)/merge+"
if($branch -match $pullrequest) {        
    $pullrequestid = $Matches.pullnumber;
    Write-Output "Pull request ID is $pullrequestid"
else { 
    Write-Output "Cannot find pull request ID" 

#get pull request information via API
$url= $projectUri + "DefaultCollection/$projectName/_apis/git/repositories/$repositoryName/pullRequests/$pullrequestid\?api-version=1.0-preview.1"
Write-Output "Getting info from $url"
$getpullrequest = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -headers $headers -Method Get

#get sourcebranch and targetbranch ref
$sourceref = $getpullrequest.sourceRefName
$targetref = $getpullrequest.targetRefName

#get the branch name via regex
$branchref = "refs/heads/(?<realBranchname>.*)"
if($sourceref -match $branchref) {        
    $sourcebranch = $Matches.realBranchname;
    Write-Output "Real source branch is $sourcebranch"
else { 
    Write-Output "Cannot find real source branch" 
if($targetref -match $branchref) {        
    $targetbranch = $Matches.realBranchname;
    Write-Output "Real target branch is $targetbranch"
else { 
    Write-Output "Cannot find real target branch" 

#set a variable "sourcebranch" to use it in another build task
Write-Output "##vso[task.setvariable variable=sourcebranch;]$sourcebranch"

You still cant use $(System.PullRequest.SourceBranch) for a BuildNumberFormat in your build definition without this error:

The build number format string $(BuildDefinitionName)-$(System.PullRequest.SourceBranch)-$(Date:yyyyMMdd)$(Rev:.r) generated a build number "MyBuildName-refs/heads/myBranch-20190831.1" which contains invalid character(s), is too long, or ends with '.'.


Seems like nowadays you can use Build.SourceBranchName

The name of the branch in the triggering repo the build was queued for. Git repo branch or pull request: The last path segment in the ref. For example, in refs/heads/master this value is master. In refs/heads/feature/tools this value is tools.
