I'm trying to figure a way to track a postions for multiple nodes, that spwan randomly on the screen so i can make a changes to them while moving when the reach random postion.
the nodes just move along the x axis and i want to be able to generate random number from 0 to postion.x of the ball, and change the color when it reachs the postion
override func update(currentTime: CFTimeInterval)
i tried tacking changes in update method but as soon as new node appers i lost track of the previos one
i also tried
let changecolor = SKAction.runBlock{
let wait = SKAction.waitForDuration(2, withRange: 6)
let changecoloratpoint = SKAction.runBlock { self.changecolorfunc(self.ball)}
let sequence1 = SKAction.sequence([wait, changecoloratpoint])
self.runAction(SKAction.repeatAction(sequence1, count: 3))
but it doesn't give me any control over the random postion