
I installed a symfony 3 project but cant run any php bin/console commands. When I try, I get the following error:

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\ClassNotFoundException: Attempted to load class "DOMDocument" from the global namespace. Did you forget a "use" statement? in project_folder/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/Config/Util/XmlUtils.php:52

Any idea how to fix this?

Any idea how to see the code?u_mulder
What are you trying to do? Can we see the file that refers to "DOMDocument". Just "edit" your post, and post that code.Alvin Bunk
I installed symfony with 'symfony new project_name' and then entered the folder and tried 'php bin/console to see if the console was working. After hours of looking for solutions I checked the php packages that I had installed and realized that php-xml was not there. Now it is working. Thanks for trying to help anyway!lolero

1 Answers


After hours of looking for solutions I checked the php packages that I had installed and realized that php-xml was not there.

sudo apt install php-xml

Now it works :)