
I am integrating Braintree payment option in a site, currently in sand box. The setup was easy, docs helped a lot but I am confused about one thing.

When I submit a transaction as a settlement, it processes the transaction and also shows in transactions in the control panel but it is never settled. I want to know how can I be sure if the customer was charged so I can deliver the service he requested.

If an amount does not settle, and I have delivered the product then It will be a problem for my client.

It is showing all the transactions as this, including the paypal ones. Please see the attached screen shot.

The code I am using:

    var request = new TransactionRequest
                    Amount = 33.22,
                    PaymentMethodNonce = nonce,
                    OrderId = CustomerOrderId,
                    Options = new TransactionOptionsRequest
                        SubmitForSettlement = true

Screen shot of transaction in control panel


1 Answers


Usually BrainTree Settles all the transaction with in a time period(it may take a day).

submitted_for_settlement: This means a transaction has made which would get settled, but not immediately when the transaction occurs.

The real settlement happens under Disbursement, this runs daily and here they will disburse all the transactions which are in submitted_for_settlement status and during this process only

I would suggest you to add Disbursement Webhook in to your application, this helps you to get all the details of the disbursement from braintree.

Don't forget to save the Disbursement ID value, which you will get from disbursement webhook ONLY. We cannot see the disbursement ID in their console.

Use of Disbursement ID - this ID will be in the buyers CC Billing

To implement this please follow this docs.

  1. https://developers.braintreepayments.com/reference/general/webhooks/disbursement/dotnet

  2. https://developers.braintreepayments.com/guides/webhooks/parse/dotnet