Hi I'm searching for a good chart plugin for my web-application, which can solve some of my requirements. To date, I've tested follow chart plugins:
- Kendo UI
- FusionCharts
- HighCharts
- Angular Charts
The plugin highcharts solves all of my requirements, but it's really expensive. The others don't solve all of my requirements, so I have to search another one. The solution of a hand-made chart needs a lot of time and that means for our company, it's also expensive. Now I've found the framework DevExpress. Before I invest a lot of time to test it, I would like to inform myself, if it's possible to make charts with DevExpress with this requirements:
- Any number of y-axes with various values
- Events (detect if clicked for example)
- Costume style with css (I think I saw it on their website)
- Integrate it as HTML in custome code
- Supports JSON
- Mixed line-style (for example, a part of a line in the chart is solid, another is dotted, but it's the same line)
- Responsive Design
My results with highcharts:
Any number of y-axes with various value types:
Mixed linetypes in same line (blue line):
This special requirements are for the healthcare, because they have some weird and special charts they need for checking medical results. So it's simply complicate, to find a good plugin. If there is someone who has a knowledge with DevExpress and charts and can answer me I would be thankfull.