I am using TYPO3 7.6.9, tt_news 7.6.1 and realurl 2.0.14 . I've configured my realurl manually for my multi-language website. The problem is that, real url is generating non-default language titles for news items in the site at default view. For instance, my default language is bosnian and alternate translation is english. When I view the page like www.mysite.com/bs/article/news.. url is cool. But when the url is www.mysite.com/article/news.. then the translation of news title is not shown. Instead english title is shown in url. Already wrote every possible realurl_conf. :( But still pulling my hair out.
'postVarSets' => array (
'_DEFAULT' => array (
'article' => array(
'news' => array (
'GETvar' => 'tx_ttnews[tt_news]',
'lookUpTable' => array(
'table' => 'tt_news',
'id_field' => 'uid',
'alias_field' => 'title',
'addWhereClause' => ' AND NOT deleted AND NOT hidden',
'useUniqueCache' => 1,
'useUniqueCache_conf' => array(
'strtolower' => 1,
'spaceCharacter' => '-',
'expireDays' => 180,
'languageGetVar' => 'L',
'languageExceptionUids' => '',
'languageField' => 'sys_language_uid',
'transOrigPointerField' => 'l18n_parent',
// 'autoUpdate' => 1,
Typoscript is like below
# language configuration
page.config.linkVars = L
page.config.sys_language_uid = 30
page.config.language = bs
page.config.locale_all = bs_BA.utf8
# english language
[globalVar = GP:L = 0]
page.config.sys_language_uid = 0
page.config.language = en
page.config.locale_all = en_GB.utf8
page.config.htmlTag_langKey = en
I am aware that, during default view no 'L' parameter is passed and all. But with the shared realurl_conf it must be solved,right ?? I've tried valueDefault in vain.