I have created a package and am now creating my tests within the package. For one test my inputs are a set of files and my outputs will be a different set a files created within the test.
I am saving the input files in the test directory of my package and would like to save the output files there too. Since others may run this test, I do not want to specify the input/output file location using my own path eg /home/myname/.julia/v4.0/MyPackage/test/MyInputFile.txt How do I specify that the input location is within the package's test folder?
So basically how do I tell Julia to look in the packages's folder under the test directory and not have to worry about specifying the entire path including user name etc?
For example currently I have to say
readtable(/home/myname/.julia/v4.0/MyPackage/test/MyInputFile.txt, separator = '\t', header = false)
But I'd like to just be able to say
readtable(/MyPackage/test/MyInputFile.txt, separator = '\t', header = false)
so that no matter who the user of the package is and where they may store the package, they can still run the test?
I know that LOAD_PATH gives the path Julia looks for packages but I can't find any information on where it looks when importing files.
joinpath(Pkg.dir("MyPackage"), "test")
is what you need. – Gnimuc