Our app got rejected for the following reason:
On launch and content download, your app stores 19.55 MB on the user's iCloud, which does not comply with the iOS Data Storage Guidelines.
We have a PCL Xamarin Forms project, the only data we have are the images of the app. We are not storing users on a file or databases here.
Where can i use NSFileManager.SetSkipBackupAttribute() on my iOS project?,if anyone can show an example of where I can implement the code , would be great.
I'm not sure the folders we need to block tho, our ios project had these folders(Xamarin view):
References | Components | Packages | Resources
Should i get feedback from Apple to know the folders that are being backed up first?. I found it strange that even with iCloud disabled in Entitlements.plist is still backing up things, plus images are local files from the app.