I have two RDD[Array[String]], let's call them rdd1 and rdd2. I would create a new RDD containing just the entries of rdd2 not in rdd1 (based on a key). I use Spark on Scala via Intellij.
I grouped rdd1 and rdd2 by a key (I will compare just the keys of the two rdds):
val rdd1Grouped = rdd1.groupBy(line => line(0))
val rdd2Grouped = rdd2.groupBy(line => line(0))
Then, I used a leftOuterJoin
val output = rdd1Grouped.leftOuterJoin(rdd2Grouped).collect {
case (k, (v, None)) => (k, v)
but this doesn't seem to give the correct result.
What's wrong with it? Any suggests?
Example of RDDS (every line is an Array[String], ofc):
rdd1 rdd2 output (in some form)
1,18/6/2016 2,9/6/2016 2,9/6/2016
1,18/6/2016 2,9/6/2016
1,18/6/2016 2,9/6/2016
1,18/6/2016 2,9/6/2016
1,18/6/2016 1,20/6/2016
3,18/6/2016 1,20/6/2016
3,18/6/2016 1,20/6/2016
In this case I wanna add just the entry "2,9/6/2016" because the key "2" is not in rdd1.