
Is there any regex or translate or any other expression in hive consider only key board characters and ignore control characters and ascii characters in Hive table?

Example: regexp_replace(option_type,'[^a-zA-Z0-9]+','')
In the above expression only characters and numbers are considering but any keyboard special character data like %,&,*,.,?,.. available then i am getting output as blank.

Col: bhuvi?Where are you ?
Result: bhuviWhere are you
but i want output as bhuvi?Where are you?

like that if any special keyboard characters comes then it will appear as is and any control or ascii character comes it will ignore.


2 Answers


you should consider that various keyboard layouts (languages) have various "special" characters, like german ö ä ü or spanish Ñ (just examples - not talking about asian, hebrew or arabic keyboards).

I see two solutions: 1.) Maybe you should define a list of allowed characters and put them into a character class, so you can heavily control what is allowed, but you might exclude most languages

2.) your you might have a look into regular expression unicode classes, you can allow any "letter" \p{L} or "number" \p{N} and even punctuation \p{P} and disallow only those characters you KNOW will cause problems like control characters \p{C} please see see regular-expression.info for more details about Unicode Regular Expressions


IF you want to stick with english only and can assume you will only have ASCII to allow, you can either type every key you find on your keyboard in a character class, as a not complete example: /^[-a-zA-Z0-9,.-;:_!"§$%&]+$/


you could use an ASCII table to determine the range of allowed characters, in your case a assume from "space" to "curly closing bracket" } and trick the character class in allowing all of them: /^[ -}]+$/


I got the solution regexp_replace(option_type,'[^a-zA-Z0-9*!@+-/#$%()_=/<>?\|&]+',' ') works