
We have a marketplace where farmers can sell their products. Any user can buy multiple items from several sellers and our platform has 10% fee from every transaction.

Now we use Chained Payments (which is incorrect, because marketplace account is a primary receiver) with fees model where every recipient pays PayPal fees.

Which PayPal API should we use for a transaction where can be several sellers and marketplace account (has 10% from products cost) so marketplace account wouldn't pay PayPal fee?


1 Answers


If I understand correctly, you would have a buyer, a seller, and the marketplace in the transaction.

Is there a reason why you couldn't just use chained payments, set the seller to be the primary receiver (see https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/adaptive-payments/ht_ap-basicChainedPayment-curl-etc/), the marketplace to the secondary receiver, and then set the feesPayer option to either PRIMARYRECEIVER (seller) or SENDER (buyer) so that one of them pays all the fees?