I have an older application that I've converted using Microsoft's "Desktop App Converter" to create a UWP application. The application appears to convert fine, and I can install and run it on my local machine. Unfortunately, when I try to submit the application to the Windows App Store, I get the following errors:
Package acceptance validation error: We don't allow the capability you've specified: runFullTrust.
Package acceptance validation error: You don't have permissions to specify the following namespaces in the appx manifest file of the package DownloadManager.appx: http://schemas.microsoft.com/appx/manifest/foundation/windows10/restrictedcapabilities.
Are there any ideas what is causing this and what the fix is?
I'm running Windows 10 Enterprise Preview Version 1511, Build 14352.1002
(in my case). I dont know what to do... – SYL