I am using Google Cloud Storage to upload images. I am now testing it from the cloud console. After I upload a picture if I check the Share publicly checkbox to obtain a public link, I get (obviously) a publicly accessible url, which is: https://storage.googleapis.com/bucket_name/pictureName .
Then, if I uncheck the Share Publicly checkbox, it makes a request
Request URL:https://clients6.google.com/storage/v1_internal/b/bucketName/o/pictureName.jpg/acl/allUsers?key=AIzaSyCI-yuie5UVOi0DjtiCwWBwQ1djkiuo1g
Request Method:DELETE
The request goes well, but the public url remains publicly accessible. I thought it is valid for some time, but after one hour is still available. So, what is the right way to remove the public url? How do I restrict access to a stored file after I made it public?