
i have a elasticsearch query result as







i want to print the source of each hit..."hits" is the result returned by the controller.

i tried it this way...but didn't seem to work

 <div ng-repeat="hit in hits.tops.hits.hits">
     <td > {{ rhit._source.t_pacs_id }}</td>  

but this code worked...which prints the source of the first element of the array

<p> {{ hits.tops.hits.hits[0]._source }} </p>

is there any way of iterating through all the array elements and printing them??


2 Answers


Your first attempt is close, you have a typo i think. Check this working fiddle

<div ng-repeat="hit in data.tops.hits.hits">
    <p > {{ hit._source.t_pacs_id }}</p>  

I copied your data and stored it in $scope.data.

Note: You should not use a <td> outside a <table>. Consider changing your HTML.


It should work, here's an example Plnkr:

  <body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
    <div ng-repeat="hit in hits.tops.hits.hits">{{hit._source.t_pacs_id}}</div>

Problem is probably that you are trying to display the data in td elements. td needs to be within a table and a table row.