
I have a GitHub pages set up with a custom domain. I have some project pages which I would like to be available at project.domain.com, in addition to being available at domain.com/project. Setting up the project repository with a CNAME file, and adding a CNAME record to the dns will make project.domain.com work, but redirects domain.com/project to project.domain.com.
Is there a way to have both URLs serve the same project page, without either redirecting to the other?
This question asks the opposite, how to automatically redirect from a subpath to a subdomain, but both options (A records or CNAME records) don't work for me.


1 Answers


You cannot have both.

You project repository is served as a folder of :

  • username.github.io -> username.github.io/projectname
  • or domain.com -> domain.com/project, if you add a CNAME for domain.com in username.github.io

If you add a CNAME in a project repository, an automatic redirection is applied in accordance with this CNAME content. In your case project.domain.com.