I'm using the WYSIWYG editor CKeditor in one of my websites. In order to be more user friendly, I would like to load automatically a specific template each time the editor is used. The customer has to apply this template in order to have a good integration with the rest of the website (which is designed with content displayed in two columns), so I would like to easy his task.
Right now, I'm using the following code that I found on CKeditor forum :
CKEDITOR.replace("newsContent", {
customConfig : "/ckeditor/config/news.js",
on:{ instanceReady : function( ev ) {
That's almost good because it allows to open the template selection page, and so the user can choose directly the template before editing (he has only one choice).
But I would like to apply the (only) template without asking the user to choose it in the template selection page.
So I'm wondering if there exist a function like "execCommand" to apply the template in the editor ? I think this is the action executed when I click on the template in the template selection page, but I can't find it in the documentation.
Thank you for your help.