I've been following lecture notes on how to write an operating system and have been getting to grips with assembly language, specifically NASM. (Lecture notes here, for interest: https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~exr/lectures/opsys/10_11/lectures/os-dev.pdf)
One of the first tasks is to write a program that will print to the screen an ASCII representation of a 16-bit hexadecimal number.
In the program below, the test number is '0x6bf1'. The program prints the number, but with the hex digits reversed, i.e. '01fb6'. I cannot figure out why - would someone be able to give me a hint? (This isn't homework btw).
[org 0x7c00] ; BIOS loads bootloader to address 0x7c00
mov dx, 0x6bf1
call print_hex
jmp $ ; Hang after printing result
mov cl, 0
mov bx, HEX_OUT
add bx, 2 ; To start writing after '0x'
cmp cl, 16
je finally
mov ax, dx
shr ax, cl
and ax, 0x000f
add ax, 0x30
cmp ax, 0x39
jg add_7
mov byte [bx], al
add bx, 1 ; Increment write address for the next round
add cl, 4 ; Increment bit shift for the next round
jmp loop
add_7: ; Handles letters (A-F)
add ax, 0x07
mov byte [bx], al
add bx, 1 ; Increment write address for the next round
add cl, 4 ; Increment bit shift for the next round
jmp loop
mov bx, HEX_OUT
call print_string
mov ah, 0x0e ; Set up for BIOS Teletype Routine
mov dx, bx
mov cl, [bx]
cmp cl, 0
je exit
mov al, [bx]
int 0x10
add bx, 1
jmp print_loop
HEX_OUT: db '0x0000',0
; padding and magic BIOS number
times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0xaa55
mov cl, 0
with eithermov cl, 16
ormov cl, 12
and adapt the loop accordingly. Double check the exit condition! – Margaret Bloomshr ax, cl
and ax, 0x000f
(and then adding 4 to CL before looping). You appear to be shifting your digits from high to low and then processing the lower 4 bits. Because you are shifting right your processing the number from the least significant hex to most significant. It would be like taking the decimal number 1234 and dividing by 1 and printing low digit (4) then dividing by 10 and printing the low digit (3) then dividing by 100 and printing the low digit (2) and then dividing by 1000 and printing the low digit (1). The result would be 4321 – Michael Petch