
Say I have a class:

struct foo{
    foo* bar=nullptr;

Now if I use new to allocate memory like a chain:

foo instance;
instance.bar= new foo;
instance.bar->bar=new foo;

Then how can I delete all those children of instance in a single call to delete the top level instance, i.e. when I call destroy(instance); //dummy name then all those dynamically allocated memory are all freed?

Why are using _ as a variable name - not that descriptive.Ed Heal
@Ed Heal, I didn't come up with a name then, so you just edit it.YiFei
You could store all instances in some other container? Or you could add a destructor that deletes bar? Or think a bit more about the actual problem you want to solve, and come up with another solution or even another design? Or use a standard container to begin with?Some programmer dude
I'd suggest using smart pointers instead of manual memory management.Jesper Juhl

3 Answers


You may get used to std::unique_ptr (or std::shared_ptr, if needed):

#include <memory>
struct foo{
    std::unique_ptr<foo> bar;

int main() {
    // Please do not use '_' as a variable name.
    // (Some people do: #define _(T) gettext(T) // for gnu gettext support)
    foo _;
    _.bar = std::make_unique<foo>();
    _.bar->bar = std::make_unique<foo>();
    // ... the destructor will deallocate.

However, assuming foo has a data member (structure) T, you may consider a single linked list:

#include <forward_list>
std::forward_list<T> foo_list;

Which leads to related questions like: Remove all nodes in linked list


First you should define your problem correctly.

  1. What does copying foo mean? will every thing being deeply coped?
  2. Is this type movable?
  3. Can a child foo live without its parent?

I will take a general case and answer your question based on it:

  1. Copying is a deep copy.
  2. It is movable.
  3. Yes

This the solution based on the constraints:

struct foo{
    foo(foo const& other){
        bar=new foo(*other.bar);
    foo(foo&& other){
        delete bar;
    foo* bar=nullptr;

Add a destructor to your struct foo.

struct foo{
    foo* bar=nullptr;
    ~foo() {delete bar;}

When the instance of foo goes out of scope, the destructor will be called and delete bar.