
I have a type alias for a monad transformer stack:

type KStat s a = ReaderT (KStatRoot s) (ExceptT KindError (ST s)) a

I need to abstract users away from this type, largely because the KStatRoot structure was causing cyclic dependencies. I therefore created a separate module and defined a typeclass for it:

class (Monad (m s), MonadError KindError (m s)) =>
      MStat m s where
    liftToST :: ST s a -> m s a
    kstatNewRef :: a -> m s (STRef s a)
    kstatReadRef :: STRef s a -> m s a
    kstatWriteRef :: STRef s a -> a -> m s ()

This definition compiles OK (albeit needing {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses,FlexibleContexts #-} to work, but I can see why both of those are required), and I've been able to convert some use sites to the typeclass and have them type check, so everything seems OK there. But I'm struggling to work out how to define my instance for the class:

instance MStat (KStat s a) s where
    liftToST = lift . lift
    kstatNewRef = liftToST . newSTRef
    kstatReadRef = liftToST . readSTRef
    kstatWriteRef r v = liftToST $ writeSTRef r v

gives me the error:

    The first argument ofMStatshould have kind ‘* -> * -> *’,
      butKStat s ahas kind ‘*’
    In the instance declaration forMStat (KStat s a) s

which kind of makes sense, but then if I change KStat s a to KStat in the instance header I get this error:

    Type synonym ‘KStat’ should have 2 arguments, but has been given none
    In the instance declaration for ‘MStat KStat s’

which seems to basically saying the exact opposite.

I'm using these language extensions in the module I declare the instance:

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses  #-}

How do I resolve these errors?

Complete file demonstrating the errors follows:

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleContexts,
  FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses  #-}

import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.STRef

data KStatRoot s = KStatRoot
data KindError

class (Monad (m s), MonadError KindError (m s)) =>
      MStat m s where
    liftToST :: ST s a -> m s a
    kstatNewRef :: a -> m s (STRef s a)
    kstatReadRef :: STRef s a -> m s a
    kstatWriteRef :: STRef s a -> a -> m s ()

type KStat s a = ReaderT (KStatRoot s) (ExceptT KindError (ST s)) a

instance MStat (KStat s m) s where
    liftToST = lift . lift
    kstatNewRef = liftToST . newSTRef
    kstatReadRef = liftToST . readSTRef
    kstatWriteRef r v = liftToST $ writeSTRef r v
Can you provide a complete example with imports?ErikR
@ErikR - the complete files involved are rather large, but if Iyou can give me some clue what you're trying to achieve maybe I can work something out?Jules
Just give a minimal example which demonstrates the problem.ErikR
@ErikR - OK, added a module with everything in the same place that gives the same errors.Jules

1 Answers


The first error is "correct" (you need to use a type of two arguments in the instance declaration), and your attempted fix makes sense.

However, a type synonym doesn't really exist without its arguments. That is, after

type Foo a = ...

you can't use Foo by itself. Foo has to be applied to an argument in order to be processed by the type checker. This is the cause of your second error.

The only workaround I see is changing KStat to a newtype:

newtype KStat s a = KStat{ runKStat :: ReaderT (KStatRoot s) (ExceptT KindError (ST s)) a }

That will let you use KStat without arguments. You'll just have to add explicit runKStat/KStat conversions everywhere.