
We have a scenario to deploy the artifact generated from maven build to Nexus. The Jenkins job would run goals clean package. The artifact should go to SNAPSHOT repo if the pom.xml has a SNAPSHOT version. If the pom.xml has a release version, the artifact should go to release repo. Any idea how we can achieve this using the Deploy to Maven Repository plugin. As of now I am using the below script in Execute Shell.

if [[ $(echo "$var1"|grep -i "$var2" | wc -l | tr -d ' ') -gt 0 ]]; then
   exit 1
   exit 0

In Flexible Publish post build action, I am using Execute Shell conditional action. Based on the result of the script, I would execute the Deploy to Maven repository post build action. This can only help to deploy to release repo. Any better way of doing it.


2 Answers


I assume that if you cannot update pom files in repositories, you have two options:

  1. There is a Maven Project plugin, which allows you to add a new post-build action Deploy artifacts to Maven repository. It allows you to set repository URL and name, along with few other options. Setting repository with snapshot policy as a target one will result in successful upload of snapshot artifacts. Note that
    • the step is available only if build type is Maven build (2/3)
    • upload will fail with Bad request error if you try to upload release artifact
  2. In case adding a plugin is not an option, you can use dirty hack and alter pom file on-the-fly as the first build step via something like sed. That's risky and should not be used if not absolutely inevitable.

To update all builds at once I'd recommend either use some plugin (Configuration Slicing plugin as an option) or alter config.xml files directly via script from CLI and then use "Reload configuration" in Jenkins.


I believe that this functionality is built into Maven itself; you can specify a different <repository> and <snapshotRepository> in your <distrobutionManagement> block. (See docs)