
I've created a WPF project in Visual Studio 2010 using .net 4.0

I've created an icon with many different sizes and formats right from 16x16 4 bit BMP up to 256x256 24 bit BMP. I set it as the program's icon in the property pages for the application, and as the window's icon in the icon propety on a WPF Window.

This works to a point. The icon is displayed in all the expected location, however, it seems invariably to use one of th lower resolution images. In the task bar it apperas to be using a 16x16 image. In the folder if you view the exe file with it set to extra large icons it appears as a tiny image with lots of white space arround it, rather than choosing the large icon. Even if I set it up with a 256x256 icon as the only icon, it seems to scale it down, and then put it in the middle with lots of white space around it.


2 Answers


See here for some ideas. Also be sure to clean the icon cache (thumbs.db?) to see the updated icon in explorer.

Edit: IcoFx also behaved quite nicely in my tests.