
I have a cloud service (classic model) and I need to assign a public static IP address to it. I created it through PowerShell New-AzureReservedIP cmdlet and associated with cloud service.

Deployment itself is performed via Azure PowerShell and uses Staging and Production slots swap. My question is whether slots swap is able to coexist with reserved IPs.

Assume, I created 2 IPs (for Production and Staging slots accordingly): MyService_ProdSlot and MySerice_StagingSlot. I suppose, I have now to create also 2 .cscgf files to deploy: for Production and Staging as well.

What should I specify in the ReservedIP element (taking into account that each deployment will swap the addresses and once swapped the Staging IP won't conform to what is specified in the config file anymore)?

      <ReservedIP name="???" />

Furthermore, how should I tell Azure to use another .cscfg file when performing swap?


1 Answers


The suggested process that is discussed in this similar post is to deploy to both slots directly with the .cscfg specifying their respective reserved ips. Then continue deploying to the staging slot with the .cscfg specifying the staging slots reserved ip and then swapping when ready.

I haven't tried this approach yet personally but will update this answer if I can verify it.


I have tried this now and can confirm it works.