
Given the setup of:

In order to deploy my application, the Elastic Beanstalk single container guide says to make a Dockerrun.aws.json file.

The Elastic Beanstalk guide also says that to use images from (any) private repository, there needs to be a credentials file (with authentication token and email address) added to an S3 bucket.

Authentication to the EC2 Container Registry involves querying for a token that the docker login command can use, but it's only valid for 12 hours.

So, in theory, I can follow the Elastic Beanstalk guide, and use the aws ecr get-login, docker login ... command to get Docker to create the config file I need, convert that to a .dockercfg file and put it on S3.

If I then upload my Dockerrun.aws.json file as a new application version to Elastic Beanstalk, I can deploy it right then, if 12 hours haven't elapsed.

My concern is what happens after those 12 hours? If Elastic Beanstalk needs to auto-scale my application and spin up more instances, if it tries to use that S3-stored credential it will fail. Or if I realize I need to roll back to a previous version of my application, I can't just do that through the Elastic Beanstalk list of past application versions; I need to be on a machine with the AWS CLI installed and do the aws ecr get-login, docker login ..., upload to S3 dance again?

Is there a less fragile way to set up the authentication between Elastic Beanstalk and the EC2 Container Registry such that the 12-hour timeout isn't an issue?

seems to be possible with mutli docker beanstalk environment, but have not seen any documentation for single docker environments.Shibashis
The Multi Container Elastic Beanstalk deployment uses the version 2 format of the Dockerrun.aws.json file, but that version also requires the authentication parameter point to a static, S3-hosted configuration file, so not sure how that solves the problem?MidnightLightning
Have you looked at FAQs in ECR? check the question Does Amazon ECR work with AWS Elastic Beanstalk?.aws.amazon.com/ecr/faqsShibashis

1 Answers


Just inlining the relevant ECR FAQ answer here (added emphasis):

All you need to do is specify the Amazon ECR repository in your Dockerrun.aws.json configuration and attach the AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly policy to your container instance role.