I've read countless posts on this topic but I can't seem to get any of the recommendations to apply to my particular situation (which isn't different than others...)
I have an SSRS report. Dataset 1 is using a stored procedure and in the where clause I have
and (@param is null or alias.column in
(select Item from dbo.ufnSplit(@param,',')))
I borrowed the dbo.ufnSplit function from this post here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/512300/22194
FUNCTION [dbo].[ufnSplit]
(@RepParam nvarchar(max), @Delim char(1)= ',')
RETURNS @Values TABLE (Item nvarchar(max))AS
--based on John Sansoms StackOverflow answer:
DECLARE @Piece nvarchar(100)
SELECT @chrind = 1
WHILE @chrind > 0
SELECT @chrind = CHARINDEX(@Delim,@RepParam)
IF @chrind > 0
SELECT @Piece = LEFT(@RepParam,@chrind - 1)
SELECT @Piece = @RepParam
INSERT @Values(Item) VALUES(@Piece)
SELECT @RepParam = RIGHT(@RepParam,LEN(@RepParam) - @chrind)
IF LEN(@RepParam) = 0 BREAK
In dataset 2 I am getting the values that I want to pass to dataset 1
select distinct list from table
My parameter for @param is configured to look at dataset 2 for available values
My issue is that if I select a single value from my parameter dropdown for @param, the report works. If I select multiple values from the dropdown, I only return data for the first value selected.
My values in dataset 2 do not contain any ,'s
Did I miss anything for fail to provide enough information? I'm open to criticism, feedback, do's and don'ts for this, I've struggled with this issue for some time, and by no means a SQL expert :)
Cheers, MD
Update So SQL Profiler is showing me this:
exec sp... @param=N'value1,value2 ,value3 '
Questions are: 1. Shouldn't every value be wrapped in single quotes? 2. What's with the N before the list? 3. Guessing the trailing spaces need to be trimmed out