
Sonar Runner stepWe are trying to setup Sonar for a project(Modules) in TeamCity. We have the following build steps: 1) Nuget Install 2) Visual Studio sln 3) Inspections(.Net) 4) Sonar Runner

In the Sonar Runner step,it is unable to get hold of that file.see image 2 unable to find that xml file

Please help by pointing me in the right direction on how to make it pick the xml file.

Can you show the full log for the step, from starting SQR? Would be nice to see what it's initialising the values to before the error, e.g. -Djava.io.tmpdir=C:\Data\TeamCityAgent01\temp\buildTmp, but all of them will be useful to try and diagnose this. Is the runner using the DEFAULT JDK path?Evolve Software Ltd
it is using the default jdk path. I have included the sonar runner step log in my post(description:Sonar Runner Step)Nischith

1 Answers


The main trick here is to pass report XML to SonarQube runner - it could be done with /output resharper option (see step #2 below). There are though some more things which could ruin your day so I composed a full procedure.

  1. First of all make sure that SonarQube Server is configured correctly to accept Resharper data. You'll need installed Resharper and C# plugins and configured Quality Profile with Resharper rules. To check configuration I recommend running analysis manually as described in the Resharper plugin documentation.

  2. Then configure your Inspections(.Net) TeamCity build step to create report XML in a well-known place: open advanced options and in the field "Additional inspectCode.exe arguments:" add /output=%system.teamcity.build.tempDir%\inspectReport.xml (or any other location). Important! The step will fail because it expects the report in default location (see issue on YouTrack). All subsequent steps will need Execute step: if some of the previous steps failed option to run

  3. In SonarQube Runner step open advanced options and to the "Additional parameters:" field add this 2 lines (replace pathToSolutionFile with real path):

  4. Finally to see the inspections report in TeamCity UI as well add a new Command Line build step with:

    echo "##teamcity[importData path='%system.teamcity.build.tempDir%\inspect.xml' type='ReSharperInspectCode']"