I am about to retrieve datas from remote and create model and collections, here are each part of the app (the controller, the view and the model). If i really understand using model in titanium is like storing into database so the data persists even if there is no internet connection after i get all datas. Below code works well, it seems no data is displayed after connection is lost, so i ask myself what is the advantage of using models in titanium instead of using classic way : retrieve from xhr and display data ? 2- My second question (if i am wrong) after retrieving datas and storing into model, i can retrieve it without xhr again inside another page? 3- And the last one : is it a good practice to retrieve data from alloy.js and save to model because i need datas in all my app pages ?
// This is an istance of my xhr library
var XHR = require('xhr');
var xhr = new XHR();
$.win.addEventListener('open', function(){
url = 'mydomain.com/api/get_posts';
xhr.get(url, onSuccess, onError);
function onSuccess(response){
if(typeof response !== null ){
datas = JSON.stringify(response.data);
postsModel = [];
_.each(datas, function(data){
/* Create model */
title : data.title,
id : data.id
** THE VIEW **
<Collection src="myposts" instance="true" id="myposts" />
<Window id="win" title="Inscription" class="container" >
<View id="posts_view" class="myposts" dataCollection="$.myposts">
<View postId="{id}" class="post_item">
<Label class="post_label" text="{title}" />
<Label class="exp" id="exp_{id}" text="" />
exports.definition = {
config: {
"columns": {
"title": "Text",
"id": "Integer"
"defaults": {
"title": "-",
"id": "-"
adapter: {
type: "sql",
collection_name: "myposts"
extendModel: function(Model) {},
Thank you all.