I want to use Sensu as monitoring system and Graphite as backend for graphics.
I wish to configure Sensu for receiving data from RabbitMQ via AMQP protocol that's why I configured Carbon in such way:
# vim /etc/carbon/carbon.conf
# Enable AMQP if you want to receve metrics using an amqp broker
# Verbose means a line will be logged for every metric received
# useful for testing
AMQP_PORT = 5672
AMQP_VHOST = /sensu
AMQP_USER = sensu
AMQP_PASSWORD = kubuntu710
AMQP_EXCHANGE = metrics_my
Per my understanding Carbon with some frequency requests data from RabbitMQ (via AMQP) and save it via Whisper.
On other side Sensu saves some metrics in RabbitMQ, I configured it in next way:
root@sensu_server:/etc/sensu/conf.d# vim graphite_handler_amqp.json
"handlers": {
"graphite_amqp": {
"type": "transport",
"pipe": {
"type": "topic",
"name": "metrics_my",
"durable": "true"
"mutator": "only_check_output"
And of course I attached this handler in such way:
root@sensu_server:/etc/sensu/conf.d# cat metrics_cpu.json
"checks": {
"metrics_cpu": {
"type": "metric",
"command": "/opt/sensu/embedded/bin/metrics-cpu-pcnt-usage.rb",
"interval": 10,
"subscribers": ["MONGO"],
"handlers": ["graphite_amqp"]
Everything fine but Graphite can't draw metrics. This is log from Graphite side:
13/06/2016 18:57:16 :: New AMQP connection made
And this is from rabbitMQ on Sensu server side:
=INFO REPORT==== 13-Jun-2016::15:57:16 ===
accepting AMQP connection <0.25298.0> ( ->
=ERROR REPORT==== 13-Jun-2016::15:57:16 ===
Channel error on connection <0.25298.0> ( ->, vhost: '/sensu', user: 'sensu'), channel 1:
operation exchange.declare caused a channel exception precondition_failed: "inequivalent arg 'durable' for exchange 'metrics_my' in vhost '/sensu': received 'true' but current is 'false'"
Why rabbitMQ thinks that "durable": set to "false", when Sensu should set it to true?
Can anybody share own expirience with such logic?
PS. Configuration with just tcp handler is working fine for me.