I recently bought an ibeacon from socialRetail with the specifications mentioning 'connectable and non-connectable transmission mode' as supported:
From the definition of connectable mode for beacons given in the following Texas instrument doc:
'The connectable beacon is a Bluetooth low energy device in peripheral mode, which means that it cannot only transmit, but also receive as well.'
(Source: http://www.ti.com.cn/cn/lit/an/swra475/swra475.pdf), this iBeacon should be capable of transmitting and receiving messages.
Now, iBeacon (not configured on an iDevice, just a standalone iBeacon like the one I bought) is supposed to be a transmit-only (or broadcast) device. So, what exactly does the 'connectable transmission mode' imply here? Can I somehow use this standalone iBeacon device to work in a half/full duplex mode?