
I am using a datagrid which is binded to an observable collection. The grid is divided into pages and each page holds 50 records. Initially, only first 3 pages load and then on user scroll remaining pages start loading data.

The problem is when I click on column header to sort data, the data of only first page sorts even if there is data for first 2 pages. And when I again click on column header then all 100 rows i.e. data for both the pages are sorted instead of just the first page. Thank-you!


1 Answers


This is how I have done DataGrid column header sorting in my application-

<dgCP:DataGridTemplateColumn  SortMemberPath="CompleteDate" Header="Complete Date" CanUserSort="true">
            <dgCP:DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate >
                                <Binding Path="CompleteDate"  StringFormat="{}{0:MM/dd/yyyy}"/>

see if this helps.