
I have typings.json file with declarations to include some of the typescript definitions required for my project. Check reference below

"ambientDependencies": {
    "bluebird": "registry:dt/bluebird#2.0.0+20160319051630",
    "express": "registry:dt/express#4.0.0+20160317120654",
    "express-serve-static-core": "registry:dt/express-serve-static-core#0.0.0+20160322035842",

But when I try to execute typings install command nothing gets installed and typescript issues following statement

--- (No dependencies)

Unlike npm install which installs packages from package.json, the typings command is not working as expected. Am I having a wrong assumption? Till now I have avoided check-in of the typescript definitions (stored inside typings folder) in version control (like node_modules). Is it necessary to check-in this files?

UPDATE It was my mistake, I update the typings command line utility to version 1.0.5. I checked the https://github.com/typings/typings and realized that I need to change the typings.json to work with new major version. changed the typings.json as per the instructions given on the site and it is working now.

Which version of typings? Have you recently upgraded from pre-1.0 to post-1.0? Did you add the typings via typings itself, or by editing the JSON directly?jonrsharpe
I have added the definition using typings install XXX --save --ambient command. None of the dependencies are handcoded. The typings version is 1.0.5.CuriousMind

1 Answers


You've added the definitions using 0.x version of typings.
--ambient command is deprecated. Use --global instead.
In order to fix existing typings.json file you can rename "ambientDependencies" to "globalDependencies"